How to Fix Blonde Hair Turned Green: Tips and Tricks for Restoring Your Hair Color

Blonde hair turning an unexpected shade of green can be distressing. This often results from exposure to chlorine, minerals in water, or incorrect dye application. This guide will offer practical advice on correcting green tinges in blonde hair and restoring its natural or dyed color.

Ash Blonde Turned Green

Due to its light pigment, ash-blonde hair has cool undertones and is particularly susceptible to turning green. The green tint often results from swimming in chlorinated pools or washing hair with water containing high levels of copper.

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I’ve personally experienced this with my daughter’s hair. Every summer, despite our best efforts, her hair turns green from frequent swims in pools, particularly those treated with copper-based algaecides.

Preventive Measures

  • Use a Swim Cap: When swimming, protect your hair with a swim cap to minimize chlorine exposure.
  • Shower Before Swimming: Wetting your hair with clean water before entering a pool can reduce chlorine absorption.
  • Apply a Leave-In Conditioner: Before swimming, use a leave-in conditioner to create a barrier between your hair and the chlorinated water. This helps reduce the absorption of harmful chemicals.
how to fix blonde hair turned green

How to Fix Blonde Hair Turned Green

Several effective methods exist to remove the green tint from blonde hair, ranging from home remedies to professional treatments.

Home Remedies

  • Lemon Juice: Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the affected areas, let it sit for 5 minutes, then rinse and shampoo. In my experience, this method has provided moderate results.
  • Tomato Juice or Ketchup: The acidity in tomato juice or ketchup can neutralize the green color. Apply it to your hair, leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then wash out.
  • Vitamin C Treatment: Crushing vitamin C tablets into a paste and applying it to your hair can help strip away the green tint.
  • Baking Soda: Mixing baking soda with water to create a paste and applying it to the green areas can also help remove the discoloration.

Professional Treatments

  • Clarifying Shampoo: These shampoos are designed to strip hair of build-up, including mineral deposits that can cause green tints.
  • Hair Toner: A professional hair toner can neutralize unwanted colors in blonde hair, including green shades.

For better results, consider using specialized shampoos like the Paul Mitchell Shampoo Three, which removes chlorine and minerals that cause greenish tints. Many users also highly recommend products like the Malibu C Swimmers Wellness Remedy.

Why Is My Hair Turning Green When I Dye It?

Dyeing hair, especially lighter shades, can sometimes result in a green tint due to various factors:

  • Metallic Dyes: Some hair dyes contain metallic salts that can react with water or other chemicals, leading to green hues.
  • Color Layering: Applying a new dye over previously colored hair without proper color correction can result in unexpected green shades.


  • Color Correction by a Professional: A skilled colorist can assess the cause of the green tint and apply the correct color correction technique to restore your desired blonde shade.
  • Use High-Quality Dye: Opt for high-quality, professional hair dyes to prevent adverse chemical reactions and avoid mixing different brands or types.

Read also: Safest Hair Dye for Thinning Hair

Maintenance and Prevention

Preventing blonde hair from turning green involves regular maintenance and protective measures:

  • Use a Filtered Showerhead: Installing a showerhead with a filter can reduce mineral deposits in your water.
  • Regular Use of Clarifying Shampoos: Incorporate a clarifying shampoo into your hair care routine to prevent build-up.
  • Deep Conditioning: Keep your hair well-moisturized to protect against environmental factors that can alter hair color.
  • Use Color-Safe Shampoos and Conditioners: These products are specifically formulated to preserve the integrity of your hair color. Multi-step treatments often contain oils or leave-in conditioners that help protect hair from chlorine and copper.


Green tinges in blonde hair can be corrected with the right approach, from home remedies to professional treatments. Understanding the causes and taking preventive measures can help maintain your blonde hair’s integrity and desired shade. Regular maintenance and protective practices will ensure your hair remains vibrant and true to color.

Read also: How to Fix Bleached Hair That Turned Yellow

In my experience, using a combination of these methods has effectively restored my daughter’s hair from green to natural blonde. Trying out different techniques, like the tomato juice method, has proven most effective for us.

Remedies and Preventive Measures

Tomato Juice/KetchupApply, leave for 15-20 minutes, wash outHigh
Vitamin C TreatmentCrush tablets into paste, apply, rinseModerate
Baking SodaMix with water, apply as paste, rinseModerate
Lemon JuiceApply juice, leave for 5 minutes, rinseModerate
Clarifying ShampooUse to strip build-up and green tintHigh
Hair TonerPreventive measures to minimize chlorine exposureHigh
Paul Mitchell Shampoo ThreeRemoves chlorine and minerals causing green tintHigh
Malibu C Swimmers Wellness RemedyProfessional product to combat green tintHigh
Use of Swim CapPreventive measure to minimize chlorine exposureHigh
Pre-Swim ConditioningApply leave-in conditioner before swimmingHigh
Filtered ShowerheadReduces mineral deposits in waterHigh
Color-Safe Shampoos and ConditionersProducts designed to preserve hair colorHigh


  1. How long should I leave tomato juice in my hair to remove green tones?
    • Typically, 15-20 minutes is sufficient, but you may need to repeat the process for stronger green tints.
  2. Can I prevent my hair from turning green without avoiding swimming pools?
    • Wetting your hair with clean water and wearing a swim cap before swimming can significantly reduce chlorine absorption.
  3. Should I attempt to fix green hair at home or see a professional?
    • Home remedies can be effective for minor green tints. However, consulting a professional colorist is recommended for persistent or intense discoloration.

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