Exploring the Truth: Does Melatonin Cause Hair Loss or Promote Growth?

Melatonin, widely recognized for its role in regulating sleep cycles, has also been the subject of discussions regarding hair health. This article aims to uncover the truth behind melatonin’s impact on hair, exploring whether it contributes to hair loss or supports hair growth.

does melatonin cause hair loss

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How to Use Melatonin for Hair Growth

Recent studies suggest melatonin may benefit hair growth, leading to its use in various hair care products.

Topical Application

  • Melatonin-Infused Products: Shampoos, conditioners, and serums containing melatonin are designed to be applied directly to the scalp, potentially stimulating hair growth.

Oral Supplementation

  • Supplements: While oral melatonin primarily improves sleep, some believe it may indirectly benefit hair growth by enhancing overall health and hormone regulation.

Does Melatonin Cause Hair Loss?

Contrary to some claims, current research does not support the idea that melatonin directly causes hair loss.

Scientific Findings

  • Lack of Evidence: There is limited scientific evidence suggesting that melatonin leads to hair loss when used appropriately.
  • Hair Cycle Regulation: Some studies indicate that melatonin may regulate the hair growth cycle, potentially preventing hair loss.

Read also: Understanding the Signs of High Porosity Hair

Is It OK to Take Melatonin Every Night?

While melatonin is generally considered safe for short-term use, its long-term effects, especially concerning hair health, require careful consideration.

Recommendations for Safe Use

  • Consultation: Always consult a healthcare professional before starting melatonin, particularly for long-term use.
  • Dosage: Adhering to recommended dosages is crucial to minimize potential side effects, including any impact on hair health.

Melatonin and Hair Growth: The Potential Connection

Exploring the relationship between melatonin and hair growth reveals intriguing possibilities for treating hair-related issues.

Antioxidant Properties

  • Protection: Melatonin’s antioxidant properties may protect hair follicles from damage caused by free radicals, supporting healthier hair growth.

Hormonal Balance

  • Regulation: Melatonin might create a conducive environment for hair growth by regulating sleep and potentially influencing hormonal balance.

Addressing Concerns and Maximizing Benefits

Understanding how to maximize its benefits while addressing concerns is key for those considering melatonin for hair health.

Read also: Vitamins for Thyroid Hair Loss

Monitoring Effects

  • Observation: Keep track of any changes in hair health after starting melatonin, whether positive or negative.
  • Adjustments: Be prepared to adjust usage based on observed effects and professional advice.


Whether melatonin causes hair loss remains largely unsupported by scientific evidence, with emerging research suggesting potential benefits for hair growth. As with any supplement, the key to safely reaping potential benefits lies in informed, cautious use and professional guidance.


  1. Can melatonin reverse hair loss?
    • While promising, more research is needed to determine melatonin’s effectiveness in reversing hair loss.
  2. Are there any side effects of using melatonin on the scalp?
    • Topical melatonin is generally well-tolerated, but monitoring for any irritation or adverse reactions is important.
  3. How long does it take to see results from melatonin use on hair?
    • Hair growth is a slow process, and any potential effects from melatonin may take several months to become noticeable.

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