Does Dermaplaning Make Hair Grow Back Thicker? Debunking Myths and Facts

Dermaplaning has gained popularity as a skincare treatment that promises a smoother, brighter complexion by removing dead skin and peach fuzz. However, a prevailing concern among many is the fear that hair might grow back thicker post-treatment.

This article aims to dispel myths and present facts about the effects of dermaplaning on hair regrowth.

Dermaplaning: Make Hair Grow Back Thicker?

The belief that dermaplaning can cause hair to grow back thicker is a widespread myth. Dermaplaning involves a physical exfoliation process using a sterile surgical scalpel to gently “shave” the skin’s surface. This method does not alter the hair follicles’ structure or affect the hair’s growth rate, texture, or thickness.

does dermaplaning make hair grow back thicker

Understanding Hair Growth

Hair growth undergoes three main phases: anagen (growth phase), catagen (transitional phase), and telogen (resting phase). Dermaplaning targets the vellus hair, often called peach fuzz, which does not typically grow back thicker or darker due to superficial removal.

What Happens When Hair Grows Back After Dermaplaning?

Post-dermaplaning, hair regrowth follows its natural cycle without any alteration in thickness or texture. Cutting hair at the surface level might create a blunt tip, which can initially feel coarse or stubbly to the touch, but this does not indicate thicker or faster growth.

Sensation vs. Reality

The stubbly sensation some might perceive after dermaplaning does not indicate thicker hair; it’s merely the feel of the cut hair’s blunt edges. Over time, as the hair grows, it tapers to its original fine tip, returning to its normal softness.

How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow Back After Dermaplaning?

Hair regrowth after dermaplaning varies among individuals but generally follows the natural hair growth cycle, typically taking a few weeks.

Factors Influencing Hair Regrowth

  • Genetics: Individual genetics play a significant role in determining hair growth rate and texture.
  • Hair Type: The type of hair removed during dermaplaning, primarily vellus hair, has a different growth cycle than terminal hair, which is thicker and darker.

Debunking Myths with Science

Scientific evidence supports that mechanical actions like shaving or dermaplaning do not affect the hair’s growth rate, thickness, or color. Hair characteristics are determined by genetics and hormonal factors, not by the hair removal method.

Expert Opinions

Dermatologists and skincare professionals affirm that dermaplaning is a safe and effective method for exfoliation and temporary hair removal without the risk of altering hair growth patterns.


Dermaplaning does not cause hair to grow back thicker or change its growth rate. This myth likely stems from the tactile sensation of hair regrowth, which can feel different but does not indicate changes in the hair’s structure.

By understanding the hair growth cycle and acknowledging scientific evidence, individuals can enjoy the benefits of dermaplaning without undue concern over hair regrowth.


  1. Is dermaplaning suitable for all skin types?
    • Dermaplaning is safe for most skin types, but individuals with active acne or highly sensitive skin should consult a professional before treatment.
  2. Can dermaplaning cause skin irritation or breakouts?
    • While dermaplaning is generally well-tolerated, it’s important to ensure the procedure is performed with sterile equipment and by a qualified professional to minimize the risk of irritation.
  3. How often should dermaplaning be done?
    • The frequency can vary based on skin types and needs, but most professionals recommend 4-6 weeks between treatments to allow for natural skin renewal.

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